Disc Dog University Course with 5x World Champ Matt Bilderback

Throwing Online Course

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut - throwing the same throws over and over and over again? Want to master all the cool throws you see the best players do - and put them in your routine? - THIS is the course for you! Special pricing - $30 off the course price for the first 100 people to sign up! This won't last - so click here to get it today - just enter the code THROW at checkout

Get help choosing the right disc for your dog!

Check out our video series available for free on our YouTube channel. 

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Seminars and Large Group Lessons

Are you looking for an incredible day or weekend of training for your club, group or area, this is your best option. Group rates are dependent on your needs and location.

Contact us below to begin the process.


Want to get your dog involved in canine disc?

There are many ways to get started in disc with your dog, but it all begins with community, there are may great ways to begin this journey, here are a few.

Our head trainers offer many great ways to begin your training process with group or private lessons.

Options to train are listed below. Reach out to us to learn more on what we have to offer.

Southern Ohio Flying K9s

Matt & Megan has spent more than a decade helping grow the sport of canine disc in the central Ohio region through the Southern Ohio Flying K9s. This is an amazing place to learn the sport of canine disc and to compete in local and world qualifying events.

Worldwide Toss & Fetch League

Get involved in the worldwide phenomenon where you and your local club compete in this casual fun weekly competition against clubs from all over the globe. very beginner friendly. Our favorite location is Worthington Oh, but there are many more locations, check out the T&F website for more.